Covid-19 liabilty protecrtion

Should parks have tenants sign a covid-19 liability waiver?

What would this waive?

Any tenant claim against the park’s responsibility to protect them from the virus infection. We have passed out flyers to everyone stating the CDC recommendations to stay safe, and demanded everyone in the park wear a mask outside their homes. A waiver could be seen as the next level of protection for the owners of the park.

Do you have an ebola, HIV, Hepatitis, cold, influenza, etc. waiver? Why limit to covid? This is unchartered territory, and the rules change with Congress from month-to-month. Congress has debated limiting liability but I don’t think a decision was made. If you are planning to conjure up a waiver on your PC, I would think it has little value. ReedSmith has an article on their website about this as “premises liability risk.” Currently, Safeway is being sued by a worker who died, so it may be helpful to follow that case.