Buying homes for out of state owners

When trying to fill lots, I’m thinking out of state owners have a disadvantage due to not having the convenience of being able to see used homes at mh dealerships. Is trying to fill lots significantly more difficult for remote investors? What are the best strategies to find affordable homes to acquire for a park? Thanks

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There are repo lists and rehabber email lists that you can get on. Area specific of course. That’s one way.

@Brandon where would one find these lists you speak of. It would be greatly appreciated if you could give me some insight.

That depends on your area. If you mention where you’re looking perhaps you can groupsource some leads.

My target market is Columbus Ohio and surrounding areas. Hope this helps.

I think new homes are definitely worth considering with where used prices are , factoring rehab etc remotely ( depending on size of the park and capability of mgmt) you might consider working with a dealer as well but that will depend on market strength.